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New solutions for SKF Bearings wind turbines

Writer: Eric Bearing Limited


    SKF BEARINGS is working with Boralex, Canada's market leader in renewable energy and France's largest independent producer of onshore wind energy, to develop a new dashboard to help wind farm operators optimise the proficiency of their turbines.

 The new wind power reliability dashboard will also improve operators' ability to reduce costs and make long-term planning decisions based on the in-depth extraction of fundamental data from a range of key sources, including condition monitoring systems, in order to obtain the lead time required to replace parts and to estimate the remaining useful life.                      

                   The wind power reliability dashboard expands existing capabilities by capturing licensed data and analyzing all forms of each turbine in the rotating system (from SKF BEARINGS and other status monitoring system (CMS) providers) on the development of SKF BEARINGS status monitoring and predictive maintenance tools. 

      SKF BEARINGS  wind condition monitoring reliability dashboard

 The typical feature of the new dashboard is to track the actual condition of each component and the remaining life of the component, based on previous CMS test cases.Making it possible to create a reliable component library, with better risk management and back to predictive maintenance management